1. The class begins with the introductions of the every single student in the institute
An introduction to the philosophy of yoga.
(What is Yoga ? Where does it come from and what is its background etc.

2. The 2nd will cover the definition of yoga in accordance with the different Indian philosophy such as Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali,  Bhagavad Gita and Upanishad.

3. The 3rd will define Yoga as par Maharishi Patanjali and will be introduced to the Yoga sutras of Patanjali.

4. Chitta vrtti —Mind —the thought form and causes for its modification

5. Chitta vikshep — distraction and obstacles towards single pointed mind (Samadhi)

6.  Sisya and Guru( a pupil and a master)

7. The importance of Sadhana (spiritual practice)

8. The importance of Mantras, prayers, chanting of Vedic hymns in order to gain purity of mind, will power and steadiness of mind.

9.Astanga Yoga ( the Eightfold steps of Yoga)

  1.  yama (Ethical Despline)
  2.  Niyama (Personal Despline)
  3.  Asana-  (Physical Postures)
  4.  Pranayama (Rhythmic control of the Breath)
  5.  Pratyahara   (Withdrawal and emancipation of the mind from the domination of the senses and exterior ofjects.
  6.  Dharana-  (concentration)
  7.  Dhyana-     (Meditation)
  8.  Samadhi-   An absorption of the mind

The 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st  classes will deal with
The three essential teachings in Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna

  •   Karma ( the path of action)
  •   Bhakti  ( the path of devotion)
  •   Jnyana (the path of knowledge.

On the 22nd hour students will be introduced to the principal  of Buddhist philosophy in comparison to yoga philosophy.
The summing up class on philosophy